You have an idea

We can do anything

specialized company in the exclusive business of piling works. It is the Bureau started business in 1980 and was specialized steel structures for water drawing units for refining projects and also in implementing steel pile retaining walls.

Driving steel
and concrete piles

Drilling multi
diameter and multi-depth pilings

Testing piles by three methods
dynamic, static and integrity

Who we are

Kanat-AL-Arab Piling Company is a specialized company in the exclusive business of piling works. It was established in mid-2004 following the expansion of Al-Kanat Bureau for Piling Works to become a company. It is noteworthy that the Bureau started business in 1980 and was specialized steel structures for water drawing units for refining projects and also in implementing steel pile retaining walls.


We did this

knock of concrete substrates ready

in a large water project in the province of sight 32 meters and diameter (30x30)

knock of concrete pillars articulated ready

in the project Ben Firnas residential in the province of Baghdad depth of 18 meters and diameter (30x30)

Implementation of the pillars of drilling

for the project of the international hotel in the area of Jadiriyah in Baghdad, Qatar 1 meters and depth of 20 meters and 240